How to Use Facebook to Increase Your Sales - Responsive Teqnologies

Thursday 23 November 2017

How to Use Facebook to Increase Your Sales

In our last post, we explained HOW to use social media to drive more revenue. Today, we want to talk about HOW Facebook in particular can help you increase your sales as we enter 2017!

Facebook can generate as much as 20X the amount of traffic as Twitter, but if you do not understand what Facebook tactics work best, then your marketing attempts may be ineffective. So check out the tips below and learn how you can use Facebook to reach sales goals for this year.
1 . Promote Your Brand’s Attributes- Viewers are primarily interested in HOW your brand can help them. So, using a cover photo & profile picture and writing content that emphasizes those positive attributes is a great start.
Just be sure to keep your branding consistent in all of your social-media channels. WHY? So you can direct the traffic coming in from Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, or your blog,  to your Facebook page. If the same brand voice that engaged them originally is also speaking to them from your Facebook page, you are more likely to convert this traffic to you Facebook & build a greater following. So brand consistency is certainly of upmost importance in branding.
2. Communicate- Viewers want to feel a sense of trust before they engage more deeply with your brand. That is why inviting questions through your Facebook page is a tremendously effective SEO  tactic: viewers are able to get answers to a wide-range of questions/ concerns in a very personalized way.

This graphic from Next-Level Marketing Communications offers other tips on how to communicate effectively on Facebook, as well as other social media channels.

Just make sure you are starting conversations geared to your target audience, and answering their questions as soon as possible. You want to make sure your audience perceives the content as relevant, and they are provided with answers at their convenience…not yours. Responsive Teqnologies Facebook page is a great example of this.

3. Use the 3-Facet Content Approach-EDUCATE, EXCITE, and ENTERTAIN is a wildly effective approach in Facebook content marketing, according to marketing-expert Neil Patel. You can excite your audience by creating a high-quality headline; entertain them by using humor or creating eye-catching graphics for your posts. But most importantly, you must educate them. Provide them with answers to commonly unanswered questions. Let them know how your brand can meet their needs. Also, show them that you are capable of meeting  those needs.
Results take time, but as you employ these 3 tactics, you will watch as your web-traffic grows. Just be sure to carefully assess the impact of your posts. You want to identify those effective techniques so  you can repeat the process and continue generating more leads from this built up web traffic.
And from there, more revenue will flow in.

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